Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Millionaire Guide On Low Budget Muscle Building Diet Plan To Help You Get Rich.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Learn The Truth About Glutamine Supplement In The Next 2 minutes!
Monday, December 2, 2019
why BCAA supplement is Useless Will Haunt You Forever!
BCAA or Branched Chain Amino Acids is a common name now a days for gym and sports industry.Lots of companies are promote this to earn lots of Money. Maximum of you may take it as a pre workout or between workout or two times. People thought its boost energy, recover early,and increase glucose level also. Now the question is lots of video and blogs are present about BCAA still why I choose it as a subject of mine! . For that firat we must understand what is BCAA and how it's work!
BCAA made of Three Amino Acid :-
For their structure they known as BCAA.
Next question is From where we find BCAA???
Maximum people may thought Its from Milk like whey protein but its answer is 'NO'
BCAA made from HUMAN HAIR, BIRDS FATHER,and ANIMALS SKIN.In these 'CAROTENE' is present and from that extract BCAA. I think its shocking for you but it's true,thats why it is so cheap.
Now most important thing is How BCAA work or is it work!! with proves I am going to expose it. lets start
5 gm BCAA is essential for human body every day.Interesting thing is,in our regular normal diet like Fish,Egg,Milk products and other Protein that was already present.Even in whey protein also it is present,so why we take it extra from other source,this is totally useless Suppiment ever.
From last 10 years research are going on about BCAA. Limited research only talk about its efficiency.They all experiments on fasting people and we know that nobody going for workout at fasting.
KAMAL PATEL, head of EXAMINE.COM told that BCAA is totally useless if any one takes his regular protein adequate diet.
In 2016 "JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION", ALLAN ARGON who is the leading research scholar, told that BCAA supplement is useless.
In 2004 "JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY" one research we saw that,BCAA was given to some people who were cycling and running in extreme heat but it was noticed that BCAA didn't give any extra benefits to them.
In 2012 9 gm BCAA was given to Heavyweight trainer but their performance level was same as previous.
In 2010 "EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY" (EFSA) proved that BCAA as a supplement failed in all types of testing perameter.
I think now you can understand the fact about BCAA. Actually companies are sale and promote it for their profit only.we must understand that following blindly any one is not atol a good mentality. You Tubers just promote this for their channel. You please ask them about BCAA research and you see they didn't capable to tell you anything about it.
See I again tell you,we need BCAA but we didn't want BCAA supplement.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
quinoa and pre workout best combination ever
Quinoa is a amazing whole grain which is rapidly growing in popularity for its great Health Benefits.
First of all you people must know its Nutrition Value:-
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy1,539 kJ (368 kcal)
Carbohydrates 64.2 g
Dietary fibre 7.0 g
Fat 6.1 g
Monounsaturated 1.6 g
Polyunsaturated 3.3 g
Protein 14.1 g
Vitamins Quantity %DV†
Vitamin A equiv. 1μg 0% Thiamine (B1) 0.36 mg 31%
Riboflavin (B2) 0.32 mg 27%
Niacin (B3) 1.52 mg 10% Vitamin B6 0.49 mg 38%
Folate (B9) 184 μg 46%
Choline 70 mg 14%
Vitamin E 2.4 mg 16%
Minerals Quantity %DV†
Calcium 47 mg 5%
Copper 0.590 mg 30%
Iron 4.6 mg 35%
Magnesium 197 mg 55%
Manganese 2.0 mg 95%
Phosphorus 457 mg 65%
Potassium 563 mg 12%
Sodium 5 mg 0%
Zinc 3.1 mg 33%
With this analysis of nutrition value you may understand how much strong is this for your health.More over its totally healthy and better than Rice.
About Quinoa you can find lots of article in internet so I am not going to talk about that thing.I specifically tell you that how we use it in Workout we can take it.
Two way we can take it for exercises matter...
1. Boil like Rice upto 15 min after that mix it with toned milk, apple or banana ,little cinnamon powder, honey,dry fruits,and Whey Protein isolated. We may use this process at Pre Workout time. and as well as Breakfast.Its gives you awesome energy.
2 .After Boiling fry with little oil after that mix vegetables, little salt, cinnamon, penut and take it.After completing your meal take one ORANGE bcoz in Quinoa vitamin C is just nil so that one we make up with Orange.
If you are a normal people or Old then also its a a great.Its strong your bone and strong your Immune.
In INDIA production is not not that much but in Indian market you may find it.You may find it on Amazon also.
I think Information about Quinoa is going to help you lots in workout. Within few week you can see the result.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How we combine Pranayama with Heavy weight Training 2019
The birth place of Pranayama is INDIA.Even pranayama are found in VEDA,PURANA,BHAGABAT GITA etc.From that we can understand how old is that.Interesting thing is beyond India all are practicing now a days but in India limited people are interested about that.Some may ask that we are happy to do heavyweight exercises,so why we practicing that!!? . Well I am going to tell you about that.Heavyweight workout makes us healthy and strong externally but Pranayama boost our immune system as well as it's reduces stress related disorders and increases concentration also.
Morning at 5 to 6 or 6 to 7 best time for meditation and Everything time is good for weight training.
Pranayama is all about the practice of Breath Control.With peoper guide only you practice Pranayama,because some research proved that it is not risk free.With out understanding the process better not to practice that.It may harm you.
after that 3 to 5 minutes silent meditation with normal breathing.
With the regular practices of these I can assure you that you just free from lots of diseases like Diabetes,Gastric,Asthma,Dementia etc.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Story Of Oats And Its Use At Workout Has Just Gone Viral!
How I get bigger chest!! with routine
Along the mid-body line, its attach to the breastbone and the
cartilage of several ribs. The largest mass of the Chest starts at the upper
arm bone.
You may have a huge rib cage and huge thick pectoral muscles, But this will
not make a perfect chest. Chest perfection,involves all of the following:
1. A Beautiful rib cage
2. A Thick pectoral muscles
3. Proper development of the inside, outside, upper, and lower part of the Chest
4. Visible your striations when the pectorals are flexed.
5. A clean separation of upper and lower pectorals
6. A shape that gives a beautiful square look, achieved by a lot of upper Chest
7. Proper development so that the pectorals don’t disappear when you do a front double-biceps shot front of judge
There are two base kinds of exercises for the pectorals,that is Flys and Presses.The basic Bench Press is done with the barbell on a flat
three movements used in powerlifting competition's.
If you choose you Chest day on Monday then you choose your Shoulder on Thursday.Ok now routine time!!!
#Barbell Incline Press
#Incline Flys-
#DB Decline Presses
#Decline Flys
#Cable Crossovers#
#Dumbbell Flys concentrating on full stretch and lower range of motion
#Dumbbell Bench Presses stretching at bottom
#Incline Presses with bar
#Dumbbell Pullovers
Now you can noticed that some exercise of outer chest is just like upper pectorels but motion and grip is different. Its a negative motion so what you can do,you just after normal 3 set another 3 set done with this style together.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Eggs Role in exercise.New view from expert 2019
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Best way to get perfect Triceps!! within 2 week's
Here also one matter,those who are doing Triceps Workout are busy with medial only and avoid others because ok ignorance.They don't know properly effect with various exercise.I just want to tell them "plz go for little theory".
Ok now i will give you the routine of perfect Triceps. you people just mix it with Bicep exercise.Means Monday,Thursday Bicep and Tuesday,Friday Tricep.
Tuesday (For Mass) Rest -90 sec
#Triceps Press Down 3x 8
#Triceps Dips with weight 3x 8
#DB Overhead Extension 3x 8
Friday (For Definition) Rest- 45 sec
#Cable Under Hand Press Down single hand
3x 15
#Cable Kick Back 3x 15
#Triceps pushups 3x 15
I think with this routine you will rock the gym.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Perfect Bicep Routine for any one .Time to transform
#Hammer Curl+ DB Incline Curl 3x8 (super set)
#Barbell preacher CurlCurl 3x8
#Reverse cable Curl+ DB wrist Curl 3x8 (super set)
#DB single Hand curl 3x16
#DB seated concentration Curl 3x16
₹Lat bar Curl+Cable higher angle Curl 3x16 (super set)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Why we choose Brown Bread for Health!!
Brown Bread is a important source of Nutrition.In Every Nutrition plan we find that because of its Nutrition value.

People now understand that how much beneficial it for health so they converted their taste from White Bread to Brown Bread. Maximum people who involved in Workout,without knowing about Brown Bread just take it .For that reason I am going to Introduce Brown Bread properly. I think you people like it.
Brown Bread is a balanced food.In this, you can find proper ratio of Vitamin like B1 B2 B3 B6 ,minerals like magnesium zinc phosphorus and iron,Protein and fat. On the other hand White Bread is made up of only Endosperm part of bread.The fiber and nutrition part of bread like bran and germ are removed from it.For that in White Bread we can find only Protein and Carbohydrates. From this analysis you may easily understand that Brown Bread is healthier than White bread.
Now one thing,whenever you people going to buy Brown Bread, try to buy authentic one because of current market.In maximum shop you find coloured white Bread so you just notice that it is soft or little bit heard because White bread are softer than Brown Bread.
Nutrition Value Of Brown Bread (100 gm)
Calories 218 gm
Grams of Protein 8.5
Grams of carbohydrates 44.3
Grams of fat 2
Grams of fiber 3.5
You may workout or not doesn't matter but you must include Brown Bread in your nutrition plan.More over try to avoid WHITE BREAD.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Perfect Nutrition plan for GVT .a great nutrition plan
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
German volume training or GVT a complete power pack
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Master The Skills Of Nutrition And Workout Plan And Be Successful.
Monday, November 11, 2019
how to create workout plan which gives a path in this field
Sunday, November 10, 2019
4 best way to loose your weight!!
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