
Thursday, November 28, 2019

quinoa and pre workout best combination ever

Quinoa is a amazing whole grain which is rapidly growing in popularity for its great Health Benefits.

First of all you people must know its Nutrition Value:-

               Nutritional value per 100 g
                Energy1,539 kJ (368 kcal)

Carbohydrates                          64.2 g
Dietary fibre                                 7.0 g

Fat                                                 6.1 g
Monounsaturated                       1.6 g
Polyunsaturated                         3.3 g

Protein                                       14.1 g

Vitamins                   Quantity                        %DV
Vitamin A equiv.         1μg                                0%             Thiamine (B1)        0.36 mg                           31%
Riboflavin (B2)       0.32 mg                           27%
Niacin (B3)             1.52 mg                           10% Vitamin B6             0.49 mg                           38%
Folate (B9)             184 μg                             46%
Choline                      70 mg                            14%
Vitamin E                 2.4 mg                            16%

Minerals                   Quantity                        %DV
Calcium                     47 mg                             5%
Copper                 0.590 mg                           30%
Iron                           4.6 mg                           35%
Magnesium            197 mg                           55%
Manganese             2.0 mg                           95%
Phosphorus           457 mg                           65%
Potassium             563 mg                            12%
Sodium                       5 mg                              0%
Zinc                          3.1 mg                            33%

With this analysis of nutrition value you may understand how much strong is this for your health.More over its totally healthy and better than Rice.
About Quinoa you can find lots of article in internet so I am not going to talk about that thing.I specifically tell you that how we use it in Workout we can take it.

Two way we can take it for exercises matter...

1. Boil like Rice upto 15 min after that mix it with toned milk, apple or banana ,little cinnamon powder, honey,dry fruits,and Whey Protein isolated.  We may use this process at Pre Workout time. and as well as Breakfast.Its gives you awesome energy.

2 .After Boiling fry with little oil after that mix vegetables, little salt, cinnamon, penut and take it.After completing your meal take one ORANGE bcoz in Quinoa vitamin C is just nil so that one we make up with Orange.

If you are a normal people or Old then also its a a great.Its strong your bone and strong your Immune.

In INDIA production is not not that much but in Indian market you may find it.You may find it on Amazon also.

I think Information about Quinoa is going to help you lots in workout. Within few week you can see the result.


Monday, November 25, 2019

How we combine Pranayama with Heavy weight Training 2019

Pranayama is a part of yoga.Actually after yogasana it will done.

The birth place of Pranayama is INDIA.Even pranayama are found in VEDA,PURANA,BHAGABAT GITA etc.From that we can understand how old is that.Interesting thing is beyond India all are practicing now a days but in India limited people are interested about that.Some may ask that we are happy to do heavyweight exercises,so why we practicing that!!? . Well I am going to tell you about that.Heavyweight workout makes us healthy and strong externally but Pranayama boost our immune system as well as it's reduces stress related disorders and increases concentration also.
I always advices people that if we mix heavyweight with Pranayama,that is just great for our Health.Now how we implement that its a matter!
Morning at 5 to 6  or  6 to 7 best time for meditation and Everything time is good for weight training.
Pranayama is all about the practice of Breath Control.With peoper guide only you practice Pranayama,because some research proved that it is not risk free.With out understanding the process better not to practice that.It may harm you.
I choose from that 3 only that is starting with KAPALBHATI,



after that 3 to 5 minutes silent meditation with normal breathing.
With the regular practices of these I can assure you that you just free from lots of diseases like Diabetes,Gastric,Asthma,Dementia etc.
I thing this article may help you to make yourself healthy.Just try for some weeks and you can feel your Internal Transformation.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Story Of Oats And Its Use At Workout Has Just Gone Viral!

Oats are the most important source of energy.Begainer to advance everyone add Oats as a most important meal for their workout.Question is why? Lots of foods are there then why we going for Oats!!!  Even Doctors also prescribes this for their patients nutrition plan. In this blog I just try to explain about all sides of Oats.

First of all you people must know about its Nutrition value:- 100 g

Energy- 1,628 kJ (389 kcal)
Carbohydrates- 66.3 g
Dietary fiber- 11.6g
Polyunsaturated-2.54 g
protein-16.9 g
Except that vitamins and lots of other minerals also present but different research given different value of that so I didn't give that names.

Its daily use control your cholesterol level and make you all day healthy.Its also reduce the level of LDL
Ok lots of things are present in Oats which makes us health and strong.This all you find in Internet. My Topic is about the Use of Oats in Workout so i am now just focus on that topic.

For fat loss routine... you take half cup Oats with boil water, honey, dry fruits,penut 5 to 10, after that mix all and take every morning.

For weight gain routine...1 and half cup Oats,dry fruits,one small apple or banana,penut 15,honey, whey protein 1 scoop or boost, after that mix all and take.

Best time of taking Oats is at breakfast.whole day it's  gives you energy.  Oats shake also we can take as a Pre Workout. One more thing,always take ROLLED OATS.

Try to make Oats as a essential diet of your daily life.

How I get bigger chest!! with routine

Chest is a most important part in our body.If your Chest is beautiful,you look beautiful.Even with chest exercise your strength is increasing day by day.Everyones chest structure is different.Its next to impossible to make your chest like whom you like because everyons chest structure is different.

Chest muscle is called Pectoral.The pectorals consist of two parts that is the clavicular upper portion and the sternal lower portion. The upper part is attach with the collarbone.
Along the mid-body line, its attach to the breastbone and the
cartilage of several ribs. The largest mass of the Chest starts at the upper
arm bone.
You may have a huge rib cage and huge thick pectoral muscles, But this will
not make a perfect chest. Chest perfection,involves all of the following:

1. A Beautiful rib cage
2. A Thick pectoral muscles
3. Proper development of the inside, outside, upper, and lower part of the Chest
4. Visible your striations when the pectorals are flexed.
5. A clean separation of upper and lower pectorals
6. A shape that gives a beautiful square look, achieved by a lot of upper Chest
7. Proper development so that the pectorals don’t disappear when you do a front double-biceps shot front of judge
There are two base kinds of exercises for the pectorals,that is Flys and Presses.The basic Bench Press is done with the barbell on a flat
bench which is an everyone's favorite exercise of bodybuilders as well as one of the
three movements used in powerlifting competition's.
If you choose you Chest day on Monday then you choose your Shoulder on Thursday.Ok now routine time!!!
Rest time 90 min and set 3 Reps 8.
#Barbell Incline Press

#Incline Flys-

#DB Decline Presses


#Decline Flys
#Cable Crossovers#
#DB close press

#Dumbbell Flys concentrating on full stretch and lower range of motion
#Incline Presses and Bench Presses done with a wide grip
#Dumbbell Bench Presses stretching at bottom
#Incline Presses with bar
#Dumbbell Pullovers

Now you can noticed that some exercise of outer chest is just like upper pectorels but motion and grip is different. Its a negative motion so what you can do,you just after normal 3 set another 3 set done with this style together.
Follow this you will definitely benefited.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Eggs Role in exercise.New view from expert 2019

Without Nutrition Workout is Useless.For workout proper Nutrition is important means according goals Nutrition setup is necessary.Today I am going to write about specific food,that is EGGS and its Role.
If we notice properly, we can see that in every nutrition plan Eggs role is very much important.
Dr. Phillips is a professor of McMaster University and one of the leading investigators in the field of workout metabolism. His research focuses on the impact of nutrition as well as exercise on human skeletal muscle protein turnover. He discusses protein needs  timing of intake for maximum muscle growth and maintenance for sports person and the aging people. He describes on how protein quality plays a important role in muscle anabolism.Dr. Phillips advices for practical applications of the latest protein research, he also including recommending natural protein sources with high biological value, such as eggs to help health Trainers to make up-to-date diet recommendations to their valuable clients and patients.

Specially in post workout meal egg plays an important role.Eggs are the perfect post-workout food for two reasons: They’re high in protein and are also a great source of many other nutrients, which help your body repair after an intense gym session.One egg has 6 grams of protein, or 15% of your daily recommended value. Furthermore, eggs contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs to digest and absorb protein.Even if you want to get Ripped! you must take minimum 6 eggs after workout.2 whole and 4 egg whites. May be in omlet form or boil form its doesn't matter but please don't take it Raw.Thats not good for health.

I think this information helps you to understand the benefits of eggs.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Best way to get perfect Triceps!! within 2 week's

In my last blog I was talking about Biceps workout as well as routine.In my this blog I am going to give you Triceps workout routine. Our hand is noticed bigger if out Triceps is big.In every gym maximum people just focused on biceps because of their ignorance.They must understand that Bicep means Two muscles and Triceps means Three muscles.

Triceps has three muscle that is Lateral, Medial, and Long.Three heads are connected with HUMERUS and SCAPULA bones.
Here also one matter,those who are doing Triceps Workout are busy with medial only and avoid others because ok ignorance.They don't know properly effect with various exercise.I just want to tell them "plz go for little theory".
Ok now i will give you  the routine of perfect Triceps. you people just mix it with Bicep exercise.Means Monday,Thursday Bicep and Tuesday,Friday Tricep.
Tuesday  (For Mass) Rest -90 sec
#Decline Barbell Skull Crusher+Barbell Triceps presses                                                   3x 8
#Triceps Press Down                           3x 8
#Triceps Dips with weight                 3x 8
#DB Overhead Extension                   3x 8

Friday (For Definition) Rest- 45 sec
#Incline Barbell Skull Crusher          3x 15
#Cable Under Hand Press Down  single hand                             
                                                              3x 15
#Cable Kick Back                               3x 15
#Triceps pushups                              3x 15
One important things you must remember that at the time of 6 to 10 raps always lift or pull heavy weight because its for mass. On the  other hand at the time of 12 to 16 raps always lift or pull that much weight which is easier for you.
I think with this routine you will rock the gym.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Perfect Bicep Routine for any one .Time to transform

Bicep workout is just like a passion for everyone.May be beginner or may be advance this part is everyone's favorite. if your bicep is beautiful,with T-shirt or any dress you looking nice.After lots of thinking I thought that this time I must make a Bicep routine for you.I assure you that with in 2 months your Bicep will be transformed in to beast hand.
Firstly we must understand the ANATOMY of Bicep.I strongly feel that everyone must know about the anatomy of their body.After that they actually understand which exercise effects which part of the body.

There are two heads in our bicep's muscle.One is long head and one is short head.If you properly understand BRACHII and BRACHIALIS then you can able to make your own routine.Well I know much more people didn't like to read that things thats why i just write the name.In my another blog I am going to elaborate the anatomy. 
Monday (For Mass)      Rest between set 90 sec
#Barbell Curl Wide+ Close                  3x8   (super set)
#Hammer Curl+ DB Incline Curl       3x8 (super set)
#Barbell preacher CurlCurl                3x8
#Reverse cable Curl+ DB wrist Curl 3x8 (super set)

Thursday (For Definition) Rest between set 45 sec
#Cable Curl                                                     3x16
#DB single Hand curl                                    3x16
#DB seated concentration Curl                   3x16
₹Lat bar Curl+Cable higher angle Curl     3x16 (super set)
You may include this workout with your any Routine but you must remember that always focus on your primary muscle.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why we choose Brown Bread for Health!!

Brown Bread is a important source of Nutrition.In Every Nutrition plan we find that because of its Nutrition value.

People now understand that how much beneficial it for health so they converted their taste from White Bread to Brown Bread. Maximum people who involved in Workout,without knowing about Brown Bread just take it .For that reason I am going to Introduce Brown Bread properly. I think you people like it.

Brown Bread is a balanced food.In this, you can find proper ratio of Vitamin like B1 B2 B3 B6 ,minerals like magnesium zinc phosphorus and iron,Protein and fat. On the other hand White Bread is made up of only Endosperm part  of bread.The fiber and nutrition part of bread like bran and germ are removed from it.For that in White Bread we can find only Protein and Carbohydrates. From this analysis you may easily understand that Brown Bread is healthier than White bread.

Now one thing,whenever you people going to buy Brown Bread, try to buy authentic one because of current market.In maximum shop you find coloured white Bread so you just notice that it is soft or little bit heard because White bread are softer than Brown Bread.

Nutrition Value Of Brown Bread (100 gm)

Calories                                   218 gm
Grams of Protein                    8.5
Grams of carbohydrates       44.3
Grams of fat                           2
Grams of fiber                        3.5

You may workout or not doesn't matter but you must include Brown Bread in your nutrition plan.More over try to avoid WHITE BREAD.


Friday, November 15, 2019

Perfect Nutrition plan for GVT .a great nutrition plan

In my previous blog I was talking about GVT or GERMAN VOLUME TRAINING ROUTINE but in this I am going to tell you about FOOD or NUTRITION at the time of GVT. I always try to balance between Workout and Nutrition.
GVT is a high intensity workout so for that we need proper and strong food.
I make my routine for Veg & Non- veg people both. Lets start
Meal 1 (7 to 8 am)

#1 cup oats near about 70 gm(Rolled Oats)
#20 gm almonds or penut ( according to your budget)
#1 banana or 1 apple small
#Whey Isolate Protein 
#sprinkle cinnamon

Now in bowl mix all ( boil oats with little water) and take it.
Multivitamin and fish oil also you take after meal

Meal 2 (11 to 12 )

#5 to 6 egg (2 whole).For veg people 100 gm panner
#Two brown bread 
#Onion and other vegitable which you like
#Sprinkle cinnamon
#For non veg omlet with brown bread and for      veg paneer sabji with brown bread. try to use    little oil of Olive.
#After meal take 1 orange

MEAL 3 (2 to 3 pm)

#100 gm brown rice
#4 egg( two white two whole)
#Vegitables for veg
#150 gm chicken breast.For veg tofu
#Sprinkle cinnamon

Now mix all in cooked rice with little oil and little salt

Meal 4 (5 to 6)

# 2 Bananas 

pre workout  (6 30)

# Creatine monohydrate 5gm with Glutamine.
   If budget matter,you may take Black coffee

post workout drink 

#1 banana
#Penut butter
#Whey or Boast
#Sprinkle cinnamon
All item put into grinder and make a shake.Its a teasty don't worry.

Meal 5 (10 pm)

#One Roti with paneer or chicken fry and 3 to 4 item vegetables fry 
#1 Glass Toned milk
That's it. I makes you nutrition plan according to low budget. Just follow this for Gvt and you see the result..STAY HEALTHY STAY STRONG.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

German volume training or GVT a complete power pack

GVT or GERMAN VOLUME TRAINING is the most intense workout than other.If you follow this routine you can understand the power of it.One thing i also want to say that its a not for beginners.

GVT made famous by ROLF FESER ,a GERMAN NATIONAL WEIGHT LIFTING COACH  the 1970's is considered one of the best and most popular methods for packing of muscle fast. GVT was often used to help weightlifters gain muscle at the time of off season programs.

It's reps and sets ratio is 10×10 and all are Compound Exercise.Interesting thing is it's not like other routine.Here you doing 10 reps and 10 sets with same weight and always remember that you lift or pull that much weight which you can but it cannot be light.After proper free hand just you start or you may injured.Moreover Isolation exercise also present but main focus only on compound exercise because Isolation exercise ratio is 3×8 .Workout days not more then 4 days because of it's high intensity.

Now I will give you GVT ROUTINE.


DAY 2.(WED) -   LEGS & ABS



BARBELL BENCH PRESS       10×10                                                                         (90 second rest)
                                                   (90 second rest)
PULL OVER                               3×8
                                                   (45 second rest)
                                                   (45 second rest)


BARBELL SQUAT                     10×10                                                                         (90 second rest)
DB WALKING LUNGES            10×10
                                                   (90 second rest)
CALF RAISE                              3×8
                                                   (45 second rest)
HANGING LEG RAISE              3×8
                                                   (45 second rest)


SHOULDER PRESS                  10×10                                                                        (90 second rest)  FRONT RAISE                          10×10
                                                   (90 second rest  LYING EZ BAR BARBELLS EXTENSION                                                                   3×8
                                                   (45 second rest)  BARBELL CURLS                      3×8
                                                   (45 second rest)

You people just follow 6 week ,after that you see the transformation.Even If your body stop responding,with this exercises you can see the changes. of course your diet is also important.In my next blog I am going to give nutrition routine of GVT.

Everyone in his own style make the Workout Plan so I also changes. So my dear friend just start you workout with this routine. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Master The Skills Of Nutrition And Workout Plan And Be Successful.

Nutrition is a important part of workout.If you workout lots but didn't take proper nutrition,its impossible to acchive your goal.But the fact is how much ratio is there between NUTRITION and WORKOUT!!!.

Its a interesting matter that one type  people's are there,who always talking about RATIO.Some say 90% Nutrition and 10% Workout. Again some are adviced for 60% vs 40%!!.If you going to ask that type of people,they just reply you that they heard from others.Now question is WHO ARE THEY!!!. Its a sad thing that people still trust others without any authenticity. We must ask them from where they found that ratio!. Without any research its a impossible to declare that type of verdict.No specific ratio is present between nutrition and workout.

Actually we need same percentage of workout and nutrition.more over proper sleep also necessary. Now we may say that, for achieving the goal we need same percentage of WORKOUT, NUTRITION and SLEEP.

Now next question is which type of food we take!!. See  all day we take lots of food but which types of food is healthy that we must know. We must avoid junk food like PIZZA, BURGER type extra oil food.These all are just damaged our health. We may follow some thing to make ourselves healthy.

1.At the time of workout we must not take any type of food.

2.Before 45 min we must take our pre workout food and after 45 min to 3 hour we may take our post workout food.

3. If we  going to mass building workout, our Carbohydrate is maximum than Protein.But at the time of lean muscle we must take Protein much more than Carbohydrate.

4.Always avoid SATURATED FAT .At the time of milk also always prefer toned milk. 

5. From your food cut sugar and exta salt.For salt muscle not visible properly.

6. Up to 5 whole egg we may take and up to 12 egg whites we easily consume. But here also physic to physic it change.

7. Take banana because its a full of potassium.

8. One more thing,minimum 8 hour sleep is necessary.

9. In food we must include Green vegetable.

10.Avoid supplement.If you want just include whey isolation.

If you follow these you can definitely terget your goal. I think with this discussion you people Understand that no ratio is must need one thing in your life that is 'DISCIPLINE'. With proper exercise,healthy diet,and sleep you can acchive your goal.
From my next blog I am going to give you Workout  Routine. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

how to create workout plan which gives a path in this field

Workout Plan is the most important issue for your workout. Maximum men or women without understanding the physic of themselves just continue their workout.As a result....NO RESULT.
Even they just harm themselves.See I am going to tell you why that happenings....

1.Physic of Men and Women are just totally different. With proper exercise and weight training Women can develop their strength but it is  impossible to build muscle rather they inject MEN HORMONES . 

2. Everyone's goal is different.Somebody's goal is weight gaining and somebody's weight lose.So how with same routine you achieve your goals. Thats not possible.

3. Some are going for BODYBUILDING some are for MEN PHYSIC and some are going for POWERLIFTING.Interesting think is ,if you noticed that people you find their body structure is totally different. POWERLIFTERS are much more bulky than BODYBUILDERS.

4. In BODYBUILDING also some one like bulky mass and some one like muscle.So its next to impossible if they follow same plan.

With that examples I think you people understand that same workout plan is never ever worked for your body. Fake GURUS are hugely present in this respective field. Some also influenced you badly but you people do one thing only, always visit your nearest gym and after understanding they are certified or not join them.without proper guide and training never do any kind of exercise.One more thing focus on NUTRITION and avoid maximum SUPPLIMENT. 


Sunday, November 10, 2019

4 best way to loose your weight!!

In Today's world we people are so busy that we are unable to give time for EXERCISE.Though its a much more important thing than other unproductive matter like playing video games.
As a professional trainer Its my duty to help people with my knowledge.My first target is over weight people.Lets start....

There are are much more exercise present for weight loss. but I choose 4 best among them.


Walking is the best solution for weight loss.If you walk more then 5 km daily are definitely goint to healthy and slim.
It also reduce your heart problem and make you strong.Its reduce heart risk also.With a few days practice you find yourself energetic. Now you understand the technique of walking.See first of all best time of walking is morning. Next walk fast like near about run.always choose that type of people who are interested to walk with you for health not for gossiping.Its a budget friendly so nobody going to charge for that.One more thing.....plz avoid treadmill and connect yourself with nature. From the first day you are not able to walk 6 km, gradually you are able to achive that. lastly ....keep stop watch.


I pick jogging second because of when you are going to expert on walking then you are able to jogging properly. With 2 week its a impossible to lose weight.Don't follow the fake promises which is provided in internet.Minimum 1 month needed to understand the transformation. After walking when you will going for jogging you can fill the changes of your body and mind.Even its a makes your mind strong.
At the jogging time keep with you water bottle.Remember that one for sip only when you are thirsty. Try to run 15 to 20 min at the time of beginning.


Well Yoga is always best among all weight loss exercise.With this not only you lose your weight but also makes your body and mind strong . In yoga lots of asana  like surya pranam,matsasan,bhujangasan,briksasan and many more asana and free hand workout is there.

If you practice regularly,you definitely find a great result.


well weight training is a fastest program for weight loss but I choose this one last because, all are not able to that.Even 60 years Old person are not capable to do that.Verious types of weight training are present so according to health and weight you must prepare yourself.
One thing must remember that without any trainer never start that or it may harm you.

Except workout proper nutrition ans 6 to 8 hour sleep is also a part of weight loss.

The Yoga Revolution: How This Ancient Practice is Transforming the Fitness World

 Introduction Will you know  about the yoga revolution? This ancient practice that originated in ancient India is taking the fitness world b...