
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Millionaire Guide On Low Budget Muscle Building Diet Plan To Help You Get Rich.

BODY BUILDING is a expensive sports mainly for its Nutrition Diets.This time I target Students and Financial weak people.After lots of research and analysis I just make Low budget Nutrition plan so i think its definitely help to grow your muscles.
If you noticed Strong Men and body builder, you may find lots of difference between them.Now the question is,only exercise is main thing to differentiate them!... answer is big NO. Without Proper Nutrition it is next to impossible. We must understand the ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Whenever we choose our diet plan,we must follow and understand that. Again one matter is come out that,everyone's body structure is different so same diet is not possible for everyone.You may mail me specific so I can able to understand your body structure and give you suggestions according that. I am going to make a diet assuming 60kg weight college student.We need 4 time main diet.

1st meal

Rolled Oats 1 cup,penut butter 1 Spoon,banana 1,whey protein 1 scoop or boost 1 spoon,cinemon powder. Mix it on mixer grinder or boil oats and mix it on bowl.

You may do one thing,all time same taste is disgusting so you may wet Oats,after that mix with 4 eggs and with little oil make omlet and with that take one banana.

2nd meal

2 Brown bred slices with penut butter and toned milk.after that take sweet potato boiled one cup

3rd meal

Whatever food provides from hostel or home take it but you just remember one thing that rice must be not more then 1/2 cup. 

pre workout

As a pre workout you may take Black coffee and during workout just take water.

post workout

As a post workout take 6eggs (2 whole)

4th meal

make one curry with boil soya chunks and mix with brown rice 1/2 cup. After that we need one glass toned milk.thats it. 
one thing you remember that whole day just take raw vegetables but yes try to avoid potato. In vegetables,lots of minerals and vitamins present. according this just make your diet plan and see the BooM.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Learn The Truth About Glutamine Supplement In The Next 2 minutes!

GLUTAMINE is a commonly used supplement now a days.Lot's of myth is going on about this.Our mentality is just like, without supplement strong body is next to impossible and for that reason I am going to expose Glutamine like BCAA.

First of all we must understand that what is Glutamine! 
Glutamine is a Non Essential Amino acids.This amino acid is extremely present in our body.In skeletal Muscle 90%  and in Blood 10% present.Actually 62% muscle is made from Glutamine. It also gives energy to WBC, thats why whenever we are under disease,our body weight is decreased.
Normal Human need 0.3g per kg  per Day and that is our body produce easily.
except that in Fish 15%, in Milk 15% to 20%‚ in Lentils 20% and in Food Grains more then 20% present.So no extra as a supplement required.Simply we need balanced diet.

Now I am talking about the Studies and Research of GLUTAMINE.

In 1998 "JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL FITNESS",start research with Glutamine Supplement but they can noticed that it is not workable.

In 2003 "JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE "one research proved that Glutamine is a main form of Amino Acid.For fast recovery we need that but not as a supplement. They were given Glutamine to some Weight Training people, but it noticed that it was totally useless.

In 2001 "EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY" and in 2002 "JOURNAL OF CONDITIONING RESEARCH "also proved in their one study that it is useless and didn't recover. 

Again in 2001 "JOURNAL OG NUTRITION", British team combines 75 different studies  and  proved that GLUTAMINE as a supplement totally useless. 

In 2013 " INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE" again proved that,as a pre workout supplement it is useless.Before 30 minutes they use  Glutamine to some Enduring training and heavy training but its result is totally nothing.

Actually our Intestine absorb exta Glutamine and its release only at the time of shortage.
 Lack of Glutamine in our body is very rare and if it is held then its a work of Doctor. Our main discussion matter is,if our body produce it then why we take extra without any reason.More over some Nonsense You Tubers and supplement companies for their profit only hugely advertising this things.  After all discussion it is proved that like BCAA, GLUTAMINE also a Useless Supplement. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

why BCAA supplement is Useless Will Haunt You Forever!

BCAA or Branched Chain Amino Acids is a common name now a days for gym and sports industry.Lots of companies are promote this to earn lots of Money. Maximum of you may take it as a pre workout or between workout or two times. People thought its boost energy, recover early,and increase glucose level also. Now the question is lots of video and blogs are present about BCAA still why I choose it as a subject of mine! . For that firat we must understand what is BCAA and how it's work!

BCAA made of Three Amino Acid :-

For their structure they known as  BCAA.

Next question is From where we find BCAA???
Maximum people may thought Its from Milk like whey protein but its answer is 'NO'
BCAA made from HUMAN HAIR, BIRDS FATHER,and ANIMALS SKIN.In these 'CAROTENE' is present and from that extract BCAA. I think its shocking for you but it's true,thats why it is so cheap.
Now most important thing is How BCAA work or is it work!! with proves I am going to expose it. lets start

5 gm BCAA is essential for human body every day.Interesting thing is,in our regular normal diet like Fish,Egg,Milk products and other Protein that was already  present.Even in whey protein also it is present,so  why we take it extra from other source,this is totally useless Suppiment ever.

From last 10 years research are going on about BCAA. Limited research only talk about its efficiency.They all experiments on fasting people and we know that nobody going for workout at fasting.

KAMAL PATEL, head of EXAMINE.COM  told that BCAA is totally useless if any one takes his  regular protein adequate diet.

In 2016  "JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION", ALLAN ARGON who is the leading research scholar, told that  BCAA supplement is  useless.

In 2004  "JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY" one research we saw that,BCAA was given to some people who were  cycling and running in extreme heat but it was noticed that BCAA didn't give any extra benefits to them.

In 2012   9 gm BCAA was given to Heavyweight trainer but their performance level was same as previous.
In 2010 "EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY" (EFSA) proved that BCAA as a supplement  failed in all types of testing perameter.

I think now you can understand the fact about BCAA. Actually companies are sale and promote it for their profit only.we must understand that following blindly any one is not atol a good mentality. You Tubers just promote this for their channel. You please ask them about BCAA research and you see they didn't capable to tell you anything about it.
See I again tell you,we need BCAA but we didn't want BCAA supplement.

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 Introduction Will you know  about the yoga revolution? This ancient practice that originated in ancient India is taking the fitness world b...