
Sunday, June 21, 2020

5 Yogasana with benefits and caution, which change your lifestyle

In this busy world ,we are so busy that we have no time for ourselves. Workload is so high that we are mentally and physically  broken.We should understand that If we are unable to make ourselves healthy mentally and physically then after some years we are not capable to work properly. To prevent that we must go through workout.It may heavyweight or yoga or anything. Today I am going to write about YOGA.

In INDIA,YOGA is practiced from pre Vedic  period even In the time of Indas Valley C wwwivilization it was practiced hugely.Topic of Yoga is  mentioned in  RIG VEDA and UPANISHAD also.Swami Vivekananda introduced Yoga in west. Now a days all over the world, Yoga is a part of lifestyle. With that we may understand that how much good is YOGA in our daily life.

Today I just pic 5 numbers of yogasana, which will definitely help you to mantain your body strong.

BHUJANGASANA :  BHUJANGA means snake. In this asana,the body is raised like the hood of a snake.

Benefits:   ∆ This asana is best for stress management.
                  ∆ It reduces abdominal fat and alleviates constipation.
                  ∆ It also helps to remove backache and bronchial problems

Caution:  ∆Those who have undergone abdominal surgery should avoid this asana for 3 -4 months.
                 ∆ Those who suffer from hernia, ulcers should not practice this asana.

SETUBANDHASANA :  It means formation of bridge. In this posture, the body is positioned like a bridge.

Benefits :   ∆ Relieves depression and anxiety and strengthens lower back muscles.
                    ∆ Stretches abdominal organs, improves digestion and helps to relieve constipation.

Caution :    ∆  People suffering from ulcers, hernia and pregnant women should avoid this asana.

CHAKRASANA :  It means formation of chakra or wheel.

Benefits:   ∆ This asana strengthen muscles in the back and calves.
                   ∆It also relives tension and stress in the people who sits for long time.

                   ∆Increase lung capacity
                   ∆strengthens the arms, shoulders and wrist.
                   ∆ Tones the abdorminal region

caution:     ∆ High blood pressure patients avoid this asana
                   ∆ any type of surgery or pain if present in hand or wrist, avoid this asana

ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA :  It means Half  Lord of fishes pose.

Benefits:    ∆ Stimulates the liver and kidneys
                   ∆Stretches the shoulders, hips and neck
                   ∆ Energizes the spine
                   ∆ Stimulates the digestive fire in the belly

caution:     ∆ should be avoided during pregnancy and menstruation.

                    ∆ People with Heart, abdominal or brain surgeries should not practice this asana

BAKASANA:    Bakasana is also called Crane pose.

Benefits:    ∆ Its a balancing posture, which builds strength of arms, wrist, joints.
                    ∆ It also gives strength to your abdominal.

caution:      ∆ patient of tunnel syndrome  avoid this asana
                    ∆ petient of High Blood Pressure avoid this asana

***Its advance posture is called EKA PADA BAKASANA.

SIRSASANA : its also called Head Stand. Its a little bit tuff thats why I will show you the technics of it.

Benefits:      ∆ Helps with varicose veins and piles. 

                      ∆Optimize verious sensory perception.
                      ∆Cutting down hair lose.
                      ∆Helps enhance the natural detox process.
                      ∆It also helps in diabetes.

caution:        ∆ During menstrual cycles, women should avoid this asana
                      ∆ Blood pressure patient should avoid it.

Before these asana you must go through streching and after asana go for pranayam.

for pranayam click on this link.

Total time of yogasana is maximum 40 min. So that time you should give to yourselves.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Compare Whey Protein Concentrate with Isolate and Hydrolisates

WHEY PROTEIN is a very commonly known supplement for Everyone.My today's topic is this,because I think people may curious about Whey.I am also going to describe its supremacy among all supplements .
In whey all types of essential amino acids like GLUTAMINE, BCAA

 etc are already present so no need to take that extra. At market three types of Whey are present that is WHEY CONCENTRATE , WHEY ISOLATE & WHEY HYDROLYZED.l
Now the question is what is the difference between these three!! Lets find it. Actually all about filtration. First we are going to talk about WHEY CONCENTRATE.
WHEY CONCENTRATE :  In Concentrate,protein is up to 80% present and various types of biological compounds,lactose and carbohydrates are also there with high amount,which actually boost our immune system. But of course some people are lactos intolerant ,so for them Isolated is better option.
WHEY ISOLATE : In Isolate, more than 90% protein is present. Here Fat is almost nil and lactose is less than 1%. After filtration, purest form of whey protein is come out. So it is good for the people who are lactos intolerant.But the problem is when lactose  filtered, with that biological compounds are also removed. So if anyone is ok with lactose,then I will suggest  him or her for concentrate. Isolate is fast absorbing for its advance filtration.
WHEY HYDROLISATE : In Hydrolisate up to 99 % protein is present.After the filtration of Isolate It is come out.Allergic components also removed in this process so mainly baby food's are made up with Hydrolisate. But at  muscle protein synthesis same results are come out like Concentrate, or Isolate.
Now with this analysis we can understand that concentrate is always better option. Even  at the time of price also,  If the price of Concentrate is 4000 then the price of Isolate is up to 6000 and the price of Hydrolisates is 7 or 8000. That much fast absorption we didn't want, thats why you go for concentrate or Isolate (if lactose intolerance) otherwise no need to take Hydrolisates.Its only marketing nothing else. I always prefer concentrate because its develop our immune.

The Yoga Revolution: How This Ancient Practice is Transforming the Fitness World

 Introduction Will you know  about the yoga revolution? This ancient practice that originated in ancient India is taking the fitness world b...