Exercise is so important that may change our lifestyle but, for some reason still now lots of people just avoid it.I am going to tell you the different person with different thought.
1) It's a waste of time.
2) Focusing on job is always a better option.
3) Some may thought that he is not capable to do that.
4) Financially not possible.
5) want to do but laziness captured.
Now we can see that this type of issue's are responsible for not to doing workout. So I think that I will solve these issues or error. Lets start....
Necessity :
First of all we must understand its necessities!. see In this
modern world people are not at all fit, starting from food habit to complete lifestyle we are just ruined ourselves. We may income lot's of money but after some year our health is going to so weak that we are unable to move properly. Interesting thing is, for that we are going to depression and after that our behavioural approach also changed and then for maintaining that we need medicine. I just took simple example. Now if we go through regular exercise, (may be for 30 minutes only) our mantel and physical strength is going to help for focusing in our work or study and also it's increase our immune system so in future we can enjoy our life normally.
Which types of exercise we choose?
Lot's of options are there for Exercise like Yoga, Heavyweight, Zumba, Martial Arts or any other... its totally upon you. Only one thing we must need. That is 'DETERMINATION'. It's just like our morning brush. maintain the regularity and that's it.
Simply, one thing you people understand that you must make Exercise is a part of your lifestyle. Then only you will be able to make yourselves healthy.